2022 Bass Tournament Sign Ups Now Available
The Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council is accepting entrants for this year’s annual Bass Fishing Tournament.
Fishing gets underway on April 9, entrants have until March 19 to reserve a spot. The $150 entry fee must be mailed to the regional council office in St. Louis.
The event is being held at Public Beach 2 at the Lake of the Ozarks. A pre-event meeting and dinner will be held at Robin’s Resort on Friday, April 8, the night before the competition.
More details, prize amounts and further tournament information can be found here.

COVID-19 Vaccine now available!
Eligible Members and Dependents Ages 18 and Older
Get your vaccine at the Carpenters Center for Health and you could win a $500 gift card!*
You must register each family member separately using last 4 digits of their individual SSN.
STEP ONE: Register with the online scheduler https://www.ehealthscreenings.com/signup
- Enter USERNAME: First Initial + Last Initial + Date of Birth MMDDYYY Example: JS11231967
- Enter PASSWORD: Last Name + Last 4 digits SSN Example: Smith6789
- USERNAME and PASSWORD are case sensitive.
- Click VERIFY MY ACCOUNT, then enter a new username, password, and email address.
- You may opt in or out of reminder text messages (cell phone not required)
STEP TWO: Select a date and time and schedule your appointment!
If you have questions on the online scheduler or want to call to make an appointment,
1 (888) 708-8807, extension 1
Monday – Friday 7:00AM – 6:00PM CST
*Medicare eligible participants are prohibited from promotion under federal law.
Carpenter Welfare Fund Improvements during Covid-19
From: Gary Perinar, EST
Our hard work and efforts over the past week have finally produced major Welfare Fund improvements that will benefit our members and their families during the COVID-19 crisis.
Today, the Trustees of the Benefit Study Committee approved the following to aid our Welfare Fund Plan participants.
- Extension of eligibility under the Active Eligibility Requirements: If a participant is eligible for the March coverage quarter and will lose eligibility in the following quarter due to a reduction of hours, eligibility coverage will automatically be extended for the June through August 2020 coverage quarter.
- Temporary reduction in hours requirement for the 4-quarter eligibility look back period: Effective with the June 1 coverage quarter, the 4 quarter look back period hours requirement is reduced from 1,000 to 750 hours. For Apprentices, the 4-quarter eligibility look back period is reduced from 760 hours to 500 hours. This will remain in effect through the coverage quarter ending November 30, 2020.
- Temporary 25% reduction in COBRA and Low-cost premiums for the coverage months of April through August 2020.
- Expand the definition of Non-Occupational Illness under the Short-term Disability Benefits to include COVID-19.
- 100% coverage for COVID-19 testing, office visits, ER and urgent care visits relating to COVID-19.
- 100% coverage for telehealth and virtual office visits (medical and behavioral health).
- 100% in-network hospitalization coverage for individuals receiving in-patient treatment for COVID-19.
UNEMPLOYED MEMBERS: Members considering a Distribution from the Supplemental Retirement Fund Account should contact John Hancock Retirement Plan Services to request an application for benefits 855-312-2722. The turnaround time is generally 2 weeks from the application approval date.
Unprecedented $1.1 Million Payout to Illinois Workers
Unprecedented $1.1 Million Payout for Illinois Workers
Chicago Regional Council of Carpenters’ Fight for Fair Wages
Results in Unprecedented $1.1 Million Payout for Illinois Workers
Union behind major win for Illinois taxpayers
CHICAGO – The Chicago Regional Council of Carpenters (CRCC) today announced a major victory in the fight against wage theft in the building trades. Thanks to the CRCC’s efforts, the Illinois Department of Labor is requiring the developer of a senior living center in Northbrook and its subcontractors to pay more than $1.1 million back to workers for failing to meet state-certified prevailing wage and benefit rates.
The case involves the Lodge of Northbrook, a 164-unit development funded by bonds issued through the Illinois Finance Authority. The Lodge of Northbrook’s developer is Essex Corp., its general contractor is McShane Construction Corp., its carpentry contractor is Horizon Carpentry, Inc., and its drywall contractor is Russ’s Drywall, Inc. The Department of Labor (DOL) ordered the contractors to provide back pay to their employees after the CRCC filed charges alleging violations of the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act.
Under DOL’s terms, Horizon is forced to pay its workers an additional $692,000, Russ’s is forced to pay an additional $249,000 and Essex has to pay a penalty of $188,000.
“Wage theft and the loss of tax revenue affects everyone,” said CRCC Executive Secretary-Treasurer Gary Perinar. “It takes advantage of workers, many of whom are unaware of their right to receive fair wages and benefits for themselves and their families. It puts signatory union contractors at a disadvantage for competitively bid projects. And it cheats communities out of tax dollars to increase future growth,
new projects and public services. Thanks to our research team for discovering this injustice and to the Department of Labor for enforcing the law.”
The Prevailing Wage Act requires contractors and subcontractors to pay laborers, workers and mechanics employed on PUBLIC WORKS construction projects no less than the general prevailing rate of wages (consisting of hourly cash wages plus fringe benefits) for work of a similar character in the county where the work is performed. The CRCC filed charges against McShane Construction Company and its subcontractors in early 2018 but they were never investigated under former Gov. Bruce Rauner despite the fact that the Illinois Finance Authority issued bonds to fund the project.
“We appreciate Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s Department of Labor for addressing wage theft with the seriousness it deserves,” Perinar said. “This is the largest back pay award we’ve facilitated in our Council’s history. We have a new department dedicated to combatting wage theft and are putting unscrupulous contractors on notice that cheating workers and taxpayers will not be tolerated.”
PFIA Scholarship Application (DUE 6-30-2020)
The PFIA Scholarship Honoring
The Zmijewski Family Program
We are pleased to announce the PFIA will be offering a Scholarship Program for the children of employees and owners of member companies.
Our program is for the Fall Semester of 2020. The total annual fund for this Scholarship Program is $10,000.00 with a maximum award of $2,000.00 to qualified recipients.
The qualifications are listed on the application linked below. The deadline for receipt of application and transcripts is
June 30, 2020. Please read the enclosed instruction sheet carefully. Applications MUST be complete to be considered for an award.
Applicants must:
Let us know their affiliation with the PFIA i.e. the parent’s name and the member company where they are employed.
Transcripts must be received by the deadline.
Provide the address and phone number of the school that the check should be made out to.
This program affords an excellent opportunity for employers to provide a meaningful incentive to valued employees. If you are interested in applying for a PFIA Scholarship, please fill out the enclosed application and fax it to the PFIA at
(630) 543-4380, email to melody@pciflortech.com, or mail to the following address:
PO Box 135
Itasca, IL 60143
Do not fax transcripts. All transcripts must be mailed.
Vogelzang Law Scholarship
The law firm of Vogelzang has gracefully put together a scholarship opportunity for members of Local 1185. Please follow the link below;
John Hancock Educational Seminar February 18, 2019